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Mallika Acharya was born and raised in New York City. She currently attends Skidmore College (expecting to graduate in 2018), and has taken courses in Web Design, Computer Science, Color, and Ceramics. Previously she has taken courses in Drawing and Painting, Film Photography, and Graphic Design at institutes like Parsons School of Design and the Rhode Island School of Design. She primarily creates works that are ink drawings, collages, designs on Adobe Illustrator andPhotoshop –or a combination of the sorts. 


"My work is usually inspired by events in my life that seem very trivial at the time, but are interesting to inspect and amplify through art. Often times, part of my personality can be seen in these works because of how I interpret my inspirations. I also collaborate with other people or groups, and am influenced by the prompts and my past interactions with related themes and ideas to make the designs. In addition, the parameters and feedback play a role in the end result. Designs I have done in thepast include posters and logo designs, using drawings or graphics on programs like Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop, which, through self-teaching, I am still trying to master! If you are interested, please feel free to go to the contact page, and send me a message."

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