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Designs I made for clubs, organizations and companies using my sketches, Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe Photoshop. Click on images to open in a new window.



Digital Design is the medium of art I am most interested in pursuing.


My experience comes from projects I have worked on at internships ("Orange" was a logo design I worked on at a start-up tech/design company), my involvement with clubs and organizations on campus, and courses I have taken in Graphic & Digital Design.


I plan to combine my passion for design with business, another field I am currently exploring. In the future, I hope to do work in industries such as Advertising or Marketing.

College Map

College Map

A map of my interpretation of college based on experiences, thoughts, and people I encounter. (Adobe Illustrator/13" x 19")



After photographing a faucet continuously for 1 hour, I used the different objects that showed up to depict a grossness that we experience while interacting with sinks. (Digital Photography & Adobe Photoshop for manipulation/19" x 13")

15 Ways of Looking at an Object

15 Ways of Looking at an Object

A pair of scissors depicted from different perspectives, both literal and metaphorical. (Digital photographs, manipulated by Adobe Photoshop/13" x 19")



A logo design for a dessert company called Orange; made during internship at a start-up tech/design company (Adobe Illustrator/5" x 5")

Battle of the Bands Poster

Battle of the Bands Poster

A poster for an event on campus. Painting by Catherine Heller (Adobe Illustrator & Photoshop/7' x 7')

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