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Drawings, and mixed media pieces with drawing incorporated. Click on image to see full size.

Metaphorical Self-Portrait

Metaphorical Self-Portrait

Fall 2013 / Colored Charcoal / 24” x 18” / The prompt of the assignment was to create a metaphorical self-portrait. This piece alludes to the ethnicity aspect of my identity. It juxtaposes objects used for the same daily rituals of the two cultures (Indian and American) that I identify with.

Artist Book (Excerpt)

Artist Book (Excerpt)

Click on image to see more Spring 2013 / Ink / 7.25" x 9.75"/ Preliminary sketches of a larger project.

Chanel CoCaine

Chanel CoCaine

Spring 2013 / Ink from woodblock print on muslin fabric / 17.5" x 49.62"/ This is a project I was assigned at the corporate imagery course I took at the Museum of Modern Art this spring. My group's task was to alter aspects of well-known logo or method of branding in order to send a social message.

Daily Snack Cabinet Series

Daily Snack Cabinet Series

Fall 2014 / Ink / 7.25" x 9.75" / The first of a series of 7 drawings in a study of a food cabinet. I recorded the movements of the containers and the amount of food eaten from this cabinet daily for 1 week



Fall 2013 / Charcoal / 24” x 18” / Figure drawing from a live, nude model; a 20-minute sketch.



Summer 2014 / Ink / 7.25" x 9.75" / I carry my sketchbook with me at all times. I make many different types of entries such as sketches from observation, abstract drawings, collages, and I often note down ideas I have. This is one of the abstract entries I made.



Spring 2014 / Collage / 7.25" x 9.75" / A collage that uses photos of women from magazines to critique the expectations society has of them/us (how they want us to be something we are not) and how magazines, reinforce them.


A lot of my drawings and larger scale projects, like the Metaphorical Self-Portrait, come from ideas that I have formed in my sketchbook, which I try to carry with me 24/7. Examples of sketchbook pieces, and preliminary drawings for larger projects can be found in the second piece, the exerpt of the Artist Book. Please click on the image to see the developed and final project.

Examples of more casual and daily sketchbook entries can be found in "Diamonds" and the "Daily Cabinet Sketch" Series". 

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